Spydus Search Results - Subject: Chavez Frias, Hugo (Keywords) https://brighton-hove.spydus.co.uk/cgi-bin/spydus.exe/ENQ/WPAC/BIBENQ?QRY=SU%3A%20(CHAVEZ%20%2B%20FRIAS%20%2B%20HUGO)&QRYTEXT=Subject%3A%20Chavez%20Frias%2C%20Hugo%20(Keywords)&SETLVL=SET&CF=BIB&SORTS=DTE.DATE1.DESC&NRECS=20 Spydus Search Results en © 2022 Civica Pty Limited. All rights reserved. Comandante : inside Hugo Chávez's Venezuela / Rory Carroll. https://brighton-hove.spydus.co.uk/cgi-bin/spydus.exe/ENQ/WPAC/BIBENQ?SETLVL=&BRN=3303932&CF=BIB Hugo Chávez is a phenomenon. He has been compared to Napoleon, Nasser, Perón and Castro but the truth is there has never been a leader like him. He is democratically elected, reigns like a monarch from a mobile television throne, and provokes adoration and revulsion in equal measure. Journalist Rory Carroll breaches the walls of Miraflores Palace to tell the inside story of Chávez's life and his political court in Caracas. Hugo Chávez is a phenomenon. He has been compared to Napoleon, Nasser, Perón and Castro but the truth is there has never been a leader like him. He is democratically elected, reigns like a monarch from a mobile television throne, and provokes adoration and revulsion in equal measure. Journalist Rory Carroll breaches the walls of Miraflores Palace to tell the inside story of Chávez's life and his political court in Caracas.<br /><span style="font-weight:bold;">Author: </span>Carroll, Rory<br /><span style="font-weight:bold;">Published: </span>Edinburgh : Canongate, 2013.<br />xi, 302 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations (black and white), maps (black and white) ; 25 cm<br /><br />Jubilee Library - (Brighton and Hove City Libraries) - Adult NonFiction - 987.0642 - Available - 03190501<br />